Ledger.Com/Start** - Live to start setting up your device

Enter Ledger Wallets, the ironclad fortress that will protect your cryptocurrencies from the claws of cyber villains. Our comprehensive guide will take you on an exciting journey through the ins and outs of Ledger Wallets as well as Ledger.com/start which helps in managing assets online. Let’s get started.

Way to Setup a Ledger Wallet First!

Make sure to purchase the Ledger hardware wallet device from the official website to ensure security and not fall into any scam or fraud. Once you’ll get the device, you can set it up using the actions given right away.

  1. 1.
  1. First of all, open your Ledger device by pressing the button situated right next to the USB port.
  1. 2.
  1. Afterwards, go ahead by picking up “Set up as new device”.
  1. 3.
  1. Proceed by choosing the “Choose Pin code” further.
  1. 4.
  1. Now, use the device buttons and set up a PIN to protect your device.
  1. 5.
  1. On the prompted screen, a recovery phrase will be displayed.
  1. 6.
  1. Jot down the phrase on a safe paper or document.
  1. 7.
  1. Now, get that code and provide the same on the next screen.
  1. 8.
  1. Press “Confirm” to verify the complete phrase.
  1. 9.
  1. At last, the “Your device is ready” phrase will be notified on your device screen.